After the Carnival in Rio, the most famous parties are what they call the Festas Juninas : June Parties.
The quadrille or « quadrilha » , a european aristocratic dance ball became famous during the 19th century. It was originally the country danse or contre danse which has been simplified and standardised and then became the quadrille, today known as a folkloric dance.
The Real Portuguèse family brought the quadrilha in Brazil when they moved to Rio de Janeiro in 1808. The quadrilha soon became as popular as samba, adopted by everyone for it’s particular syncopated dancing rythms. It spread all around the country, losing its aristocratic ball side and becoming a real popular dance for all.
Today, the quadrilha is the highlight of the Festas Juninas and is usually opening the big ball of Sao Joao. It’s a kind of dance-game for couples based of traditional country customs, happening in the street of in arraiais, big squares decorated with balloons and streamers. As a tradition, people dress up in very colourful country clothes.
By couples dancing together in a group, the 1st couple leads all the others. The leader is called the marcador, who announces the next step to take for all the participants. These steps are usually French words pronounced in a Brazilian way.
A short rehearsal during the 1st part will allow you to get to know the figures names.
Then it’s showtime, avan tu !
The Forro Maracaju batucada from Amiens will be playing during the quadrilha plus some locals batucadas.
Let’s play the game and have fun : wear country-style clothes, flowers, check prints, bright colours, leather bits, braid your hair or wear a moustache… to recreate the atmosphere of a real brazilian quadrilha !